Creating Vistaprint Mailing Lists

Now that the economy is picking up a bit I’ve been doing a some mailings. There are several postcard printing services out there and I picked Vistaprint because several people I know have used them and because they have Photoshop templates that tell you exactly how the postcards should be laid out to satisfy printing requirements and postal service regulations.

They also have a spreadsheet that you can use for uploading addresses. It’s a bit of a pain to get the names and addresses from my database to the spreadsheet so I thought I’d try the comma separated values method instead. Unfortunately, they have no guidance on how to label the columns but after a bit of trial and error I think I’ve figured it out.

First, I tried using the headings in the spreadsheet, but that didn’t work. Then I looked at a file of rejected addresses from a previous mailing. I noticed that the headings are separated by commas but do not have quotes and do not have the asterisks that they use in the spreadsheet to indicate required items.

This is an example of a successful upload.

First Name,Last Name,Address Line 1,City,State,Zip Code
"RODNEY R","BROWN","PO BOX 3955","GUADALUPE","CA","93465"

I’m guessing that the order doesn’t matter, but it’s easy to use the same order as the spreadsheet, so that’s what I’ll do. Missing fields are OK—as long as they aren’t the required ones.

Update: People have been buying my Spanish-language apps and I wanted to send a mailing to them. Unfortunately, VistaPrint mangles the non-ASCII characters in their names and addresses, e.g. ñ, é, á. It turns out that if you encode your .csv file as Western (ISO Latin 9) instead of Unicode (UTF 8) it works fine.

Downloading the NACO A/FD

NACO publishes terminal area charts and the Airport Facility Directory (A/FD—also known as the green book) and has an online version of the PDFs. The only obvious way to access them is through a map interface. The interface works fine for the terminal area charts but is broken for the A/FD. It’s been broken for years and they don’t seem to have the expertise to fix it. The code is a bit convoluted and it’s on my list of things to decipher and fix. However, in the mean time I’ve provided a table by state to access the PDFs. It is located on the Touring Machine site at this link. The page provides links to the PDFs that are located on the NACO site. The NACO site uses an XML file to determine the page in the AF/D for each airport. Since XML is a very structured format, it is fairly straightforward to parse the file and convert it to useable HTML. The exact methods I’m using are specific to this file but the general process works on any XML file.

The first step in the process is to read the XML file. The address is, where the date changes every 56 days. Your browser won’t display the xml, but if you view the source and save it you can begin working with it. The first couple of times through I used BBEdit to convert the XML to HTML tables. There aren’t too many steps, but it makes sense to automate the process. Any program that supports regular expressions could be used and I chose sed because I’m familiar with it. Make sure that the CR/LF setting is changed to Unix or Mac if you aren’t working on a Windows machine. Character encoding should probably be set to Western (ISO Latin 1), since that’s how it was originally encoded.

#### Script to convert NACO A/FD to HTML tables
## Remove the first five lines of XML and creator information

## The opening and closing tags aren't needed

## Make each state a header tag
s/<location state="/<h1>/

## Set up the table for each state
<table width="100%" border="1"><tr><th>Airport Name<\/th><th>
City Name<\/th><th>ID<\/th><th>Navaid<\/th><th>pdf<\/th><\/tr>/

## Location is the demarcation for each state.
## Close the table and put an End of State line for splitting

## Open and close the row for each airport or navaid

## Replace each of the following with td> to open and close the columns

##The pdf tags are replaced with a link
s/<pdf>/<td><a href="http:\/\/\/pdfs\//

## Change Tabs to spaces
s/  /  /g

Run this code on the raw XML file and then split it at the EOS line. I use a script to do it.

while read
 if [[ "$REPLY" = "EOS" ]]
  (( INDEX++ ))
  echo "$REPLY" >> /Users/username/Desktop/DEC/$FILENAME$INDEX

You could modify it to take an argument but I just feed the input file to it.

./ < afd_17DEC2009.xml.html

You can download the scripts from here.

Things I can’t remember.

Linux Commands

I have one set of styles that I use for all of my sites. Rather than have dozens of copies that get out of synch, I use a symbolic link to the styles folder. To create a symbolic link to a folder use the ln command with the -s option. First CD to the directory where you want the new folder. The location of the folder you want to link to is first and the new folder that you are creating comes last.

ln -s /www/Styles/ Styles

For files, leave out the trailing slash.

ln -s /www/Styles/s_gray.css s_gray.css

The following will tar and compress up the entire www tree and
put the archive file in your home directory (on the server).

cd /; tar -czvf ~/www.tgz www

cd / – change to root directory of the machine
; – separator for multiple commands on the same line
tar – tape archiver—the name is archaic, it’s the utility that compresses the data
-c – create new archive, write supplied files to it
-v – verbose – print out names of files as they are added to archive
-z – compress archive using gzip (gnutar only, as used on OS X)
-f ~/www.tgz – write output to file www.tgz in home directory
www – the file (or directory) to include in the archive, in this example www is in the root

To extract it again:

cd /where/you/want/it; tar -xzvf /path/to/www.tgz

will unarchive the www tree under the directory /where/you/want/it

Here’s how I tar up a MySql backup.

sudo tar -czvf mysql-backup.tar  mysql-backup.sql

Making URLs compliant

If you encode your pages as UTF-8, no BOM and include this

    <meta charset="utf-8">

line in your header to tell the browser how to interpret the text, you shouldn’t have any problems with displaying characters. However, if you read text from a database or have special characters in URLs then you may need to convert them. I use these two sites to look up the HTML codes for special characters.

HTML Characters

Special HTML Characters

Fixed Size Browser Window

We’re doing screen shots of sites we’ve designed and wanted to make each window the same size. A simple javascript bookmarklet lets us do that.

javascript:self.moveTo(0,0);self.resizeTo(1000,800); self.location="";

Constrain image to div

To keep an image from overflowing its box, constrain the width.

div#flow img {
  float: left;
  padding-right: 1em;
  padding-bottom: .5em;
  max-width: 100%;

Turning Off Google Analytics Site Overlay

When you first enter the site overlay you’ll notice that your URL has #gaso and a bunch of letters and numbers appended.

The only way to turn off the overlay is to open Preferences and search for the gaso cookie. Delete it and you’re good to go.

Avoiding ISP redirects when a site is not found

I frequently mis-type a site name and instead of getting a browser error and quickly correcting my typing, I get a redirect to my ISPs spam page. Using Google for DNS lookup avoids that. Link.

Comparison Operators

PHP has a comparison operator that checks to see if the values being compared are of the same type. The operator is

$a === $b  Identical  TRUE if $a is equal to $b, and they are of the same type.

For example, I have a bunch of pages from the NACO Airport/Facility Directory (A/FD). They are saved as,, etc. I want to check whether the $page variable contains AFD, and if it does then display the correct page. If no page is given, then display a spash page, and if a page is requested using the old style format (State abbreviatons), then indicate that they need to use the new format. If the page starts with AFD one of the string functions I can use to determing that is strpos. It returns the position of the first occurrence of the string and FALSE if it is not present. Now FALSE and 0 are the same value, but different types. So if I use the == comparison operator, it returns TRUE if the $page starts with AFD and returns TRUE if $page doesn’t start with AFD. However, if I use === then it works as expected since 0 and FALSE are different types.
This is what my code looks like: (WordPress has trouble with this so it’s commented.)

//  if(strpos($page, 'AFD') === 0) {
//    include("./AFD_17DEC2009/$");
//  } else if ($page == '') {
//  } else {
//    include("./");
//  }

Browser Size

Determining the appropriate display size for websites is fairly difficult. You don’t have any control over how users set up their browser windows so you have to guess how your site looks to visitors. I just found this tool from Google that lets you see you site is probably viewed. Google Labs. Type your site address into the text box at the top and you can see what percentage of visitors can see your site without scrolling, with vertical scrolling, and how many need to scroll horizontally.

Hiding Photoshop

When OSX started using Command-H to hide applications and Command-Tab to switch between open applications, I was ecstatic. However, Photoshop never adapted to the new behavior so typing Command-H does something else—I’m not sure what. It’s been a real annoyance for years. I looked all over the Photoshop Preferences and couldn’t find a way to change the behavior. I was reading a blog post today and found out that Adobe puts Keyboard Shortcuts in the ‘Edit’ menu. Select it and look for the Hide Photoshop section. In the shortcut field, hold down the Command Key and hit the H.

Turn off inline viewing of PDFs in Safari

I usually prefer to view PDFs in Preview rather than the Safari browser so I copied this command to the terminal. Sometimes, you need to view the PDF in Safari so you can submit it online. Change YES to NO and it turns the view feature back on. For some sites, you may also need to turn Adobe Acrobat back on.

defaults write WebKitOmitPDFSupport -bool YES

Embedded Fonts



This tool seems like it will come in handy. MooModernizr 1.1 tests the browser’s CSS3 and HTML5 capabilities. This by extending MooTools’ Browser. Features object with a variety of CSS3 and HTML5 features. It is a MooTools 1.2 port of Modernizr 1.1.

Clean up CSS for HTML Mail


24 Ways

Lots of posts on web crafting. I reference a few frequently.

Rock Solid HTML Emails
Going Nuts with CSS Transitions
Working With RGBA Colour

Choose a random row from the MySQL database.

ORDER BY rand() LIMIT 1";