New Icons and Launch Images for iOS7

iOS7 requires new images for the icons and launch image and Xcode now provides a new way of validating that you have all of the required images.

Just to see what Xcode would do, I created a new app from scratch and looked at the images it requires.

Launch Images

I then took a look at what an existing app looks like. The first thing I noticed is that I forgot to include the 100×100 iPad retina image. Then I noticed that the last four launch images are the same as the ones that I already have.

Launch Images

I manually added the Portrait Non-Retina and it automatically found the retina version. Then I added the Landscape Non-Retina and it found the retina. I looked in the .plist for the app and Xcode had added lines for the new files. Since I have over 20 apps I didn’t want to repeat this 20 or more times so I right-clicked on the file, opened the .plist as source, then copied the following lines.

      <string>{768, 1024}</string>
      <string>{768, 1024}</string>

I pasted these lines into the same place in each of the .plists.

While I was at it, I added a line to my pre-iOS7 images list for the file I forgot to include. That section now looks like this:


I then used Xcode to add the new images. (Note: As far as I can tell, you can name them anything you want. I followed a logical extension of the old rules.) I used the same image for Spotlight iPad Retina and iPhone Retina (80×80) so I name it Icon-402x.png.
Xcode added an iPad section to the .plist. The .plist now looks like this:


Xcode has a new folder type for Asset Catalogs. I did not convert my icons to asset catalogs, but it looks like a good way to manage assets.

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