The Economy

An Old One

Mild Recession – You hear about people being unemployed.
Recession – You know people who are unemployed.
Depression – You are unemployed.

Economist jokes

Why did Harry Truman prefer one-armed economists.
Because they couldn’t say “On the other hand.”
How do you get a one-armed economist out of a tree?
Wave at them.
An economist is someone who chases a black cat in a dark room.
An economic theorist chases a black cat in a dark room and the cat isn’t there.
An econometrician chases a black cat in a dark room, the cat isn’t there, and he shouts “I’ve got it.”


I’m not sure what the question was, but the answer is stabilize the money supply

Milton Friedman

Economists must have a sense of humor if they can predict the the growth of GDP to a 1/10th of a percent.

John Scarry

The safest way to double your money is to fold it over once and put it in your pocket.

John Scarry

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